Etgar Johnson's Terratrike Flag Mount
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The holder is made of 1/2 in. ID Aluminum tubing, cut to fit into the seat uprights.
Put a bend on the bottom end of the tube to keep it from turning in the seat upright.
This is the "model" we're aiming for.
This is what it looks like before taping, file off any rough edges.
After wrapping it looks like this
Cut some hose to fit into the upright and act as an isolator / spacer to center it in the tube, cut part toward the front, of the seat.
Tape it in place, using just enough tape to make it snug not tight.
Slip it into the seat tube, (note that the fiberglass rod is taped too, so it will not rattle!)
Looks like this when assembled.
The lawnflag needs something to hold it on the pole -- Etgar uses a button hole in the bottom edge, for the bengee cord.
The bungee then attaches to the seat like this -- you can attach it to the other side if you want to temporarily fly the flag closer to the center of the trike.
You can use 2 poles, one on each side!
Here's a shorter pole
If leave your flag on your trike, during motorized transport... "Sag Wagon Damage"
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